Saturday, April 26, 2008

The tricks to Face Competition in Your Office

A competitive atmosphere in office commonly happens and can be easily found anywhere.

But, when some people behave gently, others place themselves as enemy and declare “open war”. This competitive attitude is good as long as not break the rules.

Actually, competitive attitude with friends in a office haves positive impact at our performance. One of them is it will trigger us to work better from day to day. Unfortunately, for some people, competitive attitude is thought as hostility attitude. As a consequence, rather than performance improvement that will be shown by someone, but hostility.

The impact of hostility even also extends and finally makes worse everyday performance. It is better if competition in office is is treated too cynical. Lie a sport, a gentle attitude is required and sincerity value is hold to face the competition.

Think positive
Don’t assumes your patner is an enemy that must be eradicated. You must hold a healthy competitive. You must understand that everyone has weakness and excellence. It is posibbly that you have something that your friend donot have it, and conversely. By competing in healthy environment, your performance will rise, because it is unconsciously that the competition becomes your motivator to develop yourself. You even also can learn the excellences of your fellow competitor.

There will be no sportivines without wisdom attitude. Admit your weakness and yor friend excellence. Do not take it in your heart if you loose in the competition. Confessing your weakness will not make you depresion. But be careful, don't ever put yourself to condescending feeling.

Hard work
Hard work are very required. Both the things above will not affect your performance if you are lazy.

One of sportiviness attitude is cooperation with your competitor, even though he / she is your heaviest rival. It is better for you to help your fellow worker that require aid than you burry yourself in your own work. Remember that one of excellent point seen by your boss is that you can cooperate with others in your office.

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