Friday, May 16, 2008


You will only succeed if you have helped others achieve their success. This is what happens especially in direct selling business; a great success can only be reached if we support one another. When you help someone success earning money through their hard work, then you will get the same thing, event the greater amount.

If you want to be a succeed person, do PALM method. PALM refers to Passion (P), Action (A), Leadership (L), and Mindset (M).

Great Willingness
We are specially discussing about Passion in this edition. passion means a great willingness or an obsession to enhance moticvation in order to realize this achievement. Passion plays an important roel ain achieving one's target as it boosts up his enthusiasm. It is absolutely right that spirit emerges if we are positively motivated by our surrounding; yet this kind of spirit will not stay longer. If our surrounding shows its negative attitude towards us, that high spirit is definitely nothing; while our self-spirit will stay forever.

Generally, world footballers have this kind of self-spirit. They succeed because they do not only have a great willingness to be the winner, but also self-diciplines. They always discuss about kinds of startegies and efforts to be the world winner.

If you are eager to be one of the succeed person in direct selling business, you should ask yourself if you have passion for the business you are running. A simple guideline: If you think about your business all day long and talk about it to most people in any chance, it will be in your dream. Be confidence! the success is yours!

Written by Helmy Attamimi
Director of APLI

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